Potions, exorcisms, universe callings & art.

Hi, I’m Andrea, and yeah—I do witchy shit.

This isn’t your average bio. It’s a story, a rant, a look into the whirlwind of how this all started, so bear with me.

Let’s start with the big “why the fuck are we here?” The mission behind my shop and TikTok tutorials is simple: to make witchcraft wildly fucking accessible for anyone who wants to practice. Imagine a world where there are as many covens as churches—where people who are lost, just starting out, or just plain busy can find simple ways to incorporate magick into their everyday lives.

I dream of a world where we can rock our pentacles proudly on the streets of even the most Christian towns without getting that “BURN THE WITCH” glare. You know the look. We’re witches, not villains. We burn rosemary to cleanse our spaces, use rose petals for self-love, and sip tea with intention. We’re not out here sacrificing goats to the underworld for a bag of cash (seriously, chill).


Why I Do What I Do

When I started practicing, I was overwhelmed and, let’s be real, underwhelmed by the info out there. It was either too scattered, too gatekept, or just plain boring. I want to change that. My kits, guides, and tutorials aim to make witchcraft easy as hell to learn, with everything in one place. From herb samplers to pendulum boards (with instructions, thank you), I’m all about creating the things I wished I had when I was starting out.

Have questions? Want a guide on something? I got you. If it’s witchy, I’ll make a guide for it.


Who We Are

So, yeah—my name’s Andrea, and I’m (as of writing this) 31 years old. I run this shop alongside my brother, Alejandro, who handles logistics, inventory, and customer service like a badass. We’re a Hispanic-owned business (our mom’s from Venezuela, our dad’s from El Salvador), so give yourself a pat on the back for supporting us.

I’ve been practicing witchcraft since I was a kid—think 10-year-old me throwing random SHIT into a jar and calling it a potion or dancing under the full moon hoping she’d notice me. Born in 1993, raised Catholic (because, duh, Hispanic family), and went through all the rites: baptism, first communion, confirmation. Wild, right?

But life wasn’t always smooth. When I was 21, I fell into addiction and completely lost myself. At 24, my mom got really sick, and that’s what snapped me out of it. We saw every doctor imaginable, but nothing worked. Then one day, shit got real—like, possession-level real. Without diving too deep into the chaos (you can ask me over coffee sometime), let’s just say I Googled till I cried, learned the hard way how to handle exorcisms, and found the Exorcists of Atlanta to seal the deal.

That experience was a turning point. It reconnected me to my craft and gave me a mission: to share what I’ve learned and help others find their own magic.


Where We Are Now

Since then, I’ve published a book, built a TikTok following of 765k incredible witches, and kept this shop going strong for five years.

Thanks for reading my chaotic little origin story. This shop, this journey—it’s all for you.

xx, Andrea